Mon-2-7-8 Attention-Based Speaker Embeddings for One-Shot Voice Conversion

Tatsuma Ishihara(GREE Inc.) and Daisuke Saito(The University of Tokyo)
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel approach to embed speaker information to feature vectors at frame level using an attention mechanism, and its application to one-shot voice conversion. A one-shot voice conversion system is a type of voice conversion system where only one utterance from a target speaker is available for conversion. In many one-shot voice conversion systems, a speaker encoder mechanism, compresses an utterance of the target speaker into a fixed-size vector for propagating speaker information. However, the obtained representation has lost temporal information related to speaker identities and it could degrade conversion quality. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel way to embed speaker information using an attention mechanism. Instead of compressing into a fixed-size vector, our proposed speaker encoder outputs a sequence of speaker embedding vectors. The obtained sequence is selectively combined with input frames of a source speaker by an attention mechanism. Finally the obtained time varying speaker information is utilized for a decoder to generate the converted features. Objective evaluation showed that our method reduced the averaged mel-cepstrum distortion to 5.23dB from 5.34dB compared with the baseline system. The subjective preference test showed that our proposed system outperformed the baseline one.
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