Mon-S&T-2-3 A Mandarin L2 Learning APP with Mispronunciation Detection and Feedback

Yanlu Xie(Beijing Language and Culture University), Xiaoli Feng(Beijing Language and Culture University), Boxue Li(Beijing Language and Culture University), Jinsong Zhang(Beijing Language and Culture University), Yujia Jin(Beijing Language and Culture University)
Abstract: In this paper, an APP with Mispronunciation Detection and Feedback for Mandarin L2 Learners is shown. The APP could detect the mispronunciation in the words and highlight it with red at the phone level. Also, the score will be shown to evaluate the overall pronunciation. When touching the highlight, the pronunciation of the learner’s and the standard’s is played. Then the flash animation that describes the movement of the tongue, mouth, and other articulators will be shown to the learner. The learner could repeat the process to improve and excise the pronunciation. The App called ‘SAIT 汉语’ can be downloaded at App Store.
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