Tue-1-10-8 Vocal markers from sustained phonation in Huntington's Disease

Rachid Riad(LSCP/NPI/ENS/CNRS/EHESS/INRIA/UPEC/PSL Research University,), Hadrien Titeux(LSCP - EHESS / ENS / PSL Research University / CNRS / INRIA), Laurie Lemoine(NPI/ENS/INSERM/UPEC/PSL Research University), Justine Montillot(NPI/ENS/INSERM/UPEC/PSL Research University), Jennifer Hamet Bagnou(NPI/ENS/INSERM/UPEC/PSL Research University), Xuan-Nga Cao(LSCP - EHESS / ENS / PSL Research University / CNRS / INRIA), Emmanuel Dupoux(Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi(NPI/ENS/INSERM/UPEC/PSL Research University)
Abstract: Disease-modifying treatments are currently assessed in neurodegenerative diseases. Huntington's Disease represents a unique opportunity to design automatic sub-clinical markers, even in premanifest gene carriers. We investigated phonatory impairments as potential clinical markers and propose them for both diagnosis and gene carriers follow-up. We used two sets of features: Phonatory features and Modulation Power Spectrum Features. We found that phonation is not sufficient for the identification of sub-clinical disorders of premanifest gene carriers. According to our regression results, Phonatory features are suitable for the predictions of clinical performance in Huntington's Disease.
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